Yellow Tomato and Corn Gazpacho
It's the middle of August and summer is winding down but tomatoes and corn are at their peak and I can't get enough. One of my favorite meals this time of year is Yellow Tomato and Corn Gazpacho.
Made from ripe late summer yellow tomatoes, fresh corn, and yellow peppers it is a celebration of all things August. Bursting with bright flavor it is acidic, creamy, and chilled for a hot summers day. Super easy to make, all you need is a blender. Well that and a pot to boil the corn, and a knife, but really that is it. I can’t encourage you enough to run out to the farmers markets on Saturday and Sunday, track down the last of the tomatoes and corn and return home to make this dish. It might change your life.
Many thanks to Jodi at What’s Cooking Good Looking for creating this glorious soup and sharing it with everyone on her blog. If you are not familiar with it be sure to pop on over and check it out. There are a bazillion recipes that I plan on trying in the coming weeks. I think I might start with this one, or perhaps white bean chili when the nights start to cool down a bit.
XO - Kohli