Hello and welcome to Becket Hitch
Quality Goods for Everyday Living, founded by Kohli Flick.

Growing up, Kohli was lucky enough to travel extensively with her parents while her dad traveled for work. She spent her days in museums as a child and always loved exploring local businesses in the cities where they were visiting. She was always drawn to the little details everywhere she went, like the store's merchandising, fonts of the signage, packaging, and of course, the items being sold. Everything from a cheese shop to a handmade paper store was thrilling to young Kohli. When Kohli turned 17, she worked at a home and gift shop in Telluride, Co for the summer and decided then to open up her shop. She created Becket Hitch to be a shop to find all the beautiful things she wanted to buy but could not easily find.
Becket Hitch offers a collection of modern home goods, exciting decor and one-of-a-kind gifts made to excite and inspire. We work closely with our customers to create a unique expression of themselves in their homes and through their gift-giving. Each item is curated and hand-selected to enhance a room, inspire a moment, and provide quality goods for everyday living.
We're so happy your here!
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