Duke Cannon
The ultimate in manly grooming has to be Duke Cannon. Hailing from a different era when in Duke Cannon's own words "Men had a greater purpose than building spread sheets." The line of men's supplies, let's not call them bath products please, have been created to stand up to the toughest of men. Duke Cannon works with the US Army's Bravo Company 2-135 to guide everything that they do. If it does not work for the company it does not work for Duke Cannon.
The Big Ass Brick of Soap has been designed to meet the high standards of hard working men who want to get clean and smell good without using their ladies soaps and shaving creams. The soap is modeled after the rough cut, "brick" style of soap used by GIs during the Korean War and is manufactured in the same plant that was the primary supplier of military soap for over 20 years. The scents Smells Like Victory and Smells Like Productivity set your day up for success. Hunters and firemen are big fans of the Scent Eliminator which captures odors and smothers them. The whole line, which is now available at Becket Hitch, makes the perfect gift for all the men in your life.