So Full of Thanks
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. When I was little it was the joy of seeing my parents cooking together in the kitchen. Helping my dad with the giblet gravy while also receiving an anatomy lesson was always a highlight. In my 20's it was hosting all of our friends in tiny apartments, and eventually our house. Now I look forward to sharing the day with friends and family while making it a magical experience for my son.
I like to create a relaxed and welcoming environment when entertaining and Thanksgiving is no exception.
This year I am setting the table with our die cut turkey placemats that are meant to be colored in. This way everyone has something to do while taking an eating intermission, or simply waiting for pie.
I think that it is always nice to show your guest that you anticipated their arrival and thought about their evening in your company with a place card. It always gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling to see my name written nicely at my place, even if it is in my own home!
Keeping things casual I pair our blue rimmed dishes with my new favorite golden flatware. A little high and low come together to make some casual elegance and I am all about that.
If you have not already guessed I like to keep things fun and the dishtowels in my kitchen are no exception. Bringing a little levity to a gravy spill with a witty dishtowel is just what the disaster doctor ordered.
Most of all my friends, have fun, relax, be thankful for all that we have, and share some kindness with others.